In Central Java, there are some cities and counties such as Grobogan , Tegal regency , district, and county Bradford , Rod district , Semarang , Semarang district , Demak regency , Holy district , Jepara district , County Waterford, Magelang district , Wonosobo district , city Maggelang , Kebumen district , Banyumas , Cilacap regency , Banjarnegara district , Boyolali district , Karanganyar district , the city of Surakarta , kabuten Sukoharjo , Klaten district , Sragen , Winton district , Yogyakarta , Sleman district , Gunungkidul district , Bantul and Kulon Progo district . That cities and districts in Central Java Province . Cities and counties in Central Java have tourism objects respectively
Tourism Village Owl Tlogoweru Demak
Demak there is a village in the most populated maintain owls in large numbers . The owls are deliberately bred mice due to pest problems that often lead to damage rice field farmers often harvest failure . The name of this village is a village located in the district Tlogoweru Guntur Demak . More than 200 free-living owls in the village predomiDemak there is a village in the most populated maintain owls in large numbers . The owls are deliberately bred mice due to pest problems that often lead to damage rice field farmers often harvest failure . The name of this village is a village located in the district Tlogoweru Guntur Demak . More than 200 free-living owls in the village predominantly subsistence farmers this . nantly subsistence farmers this .
The idea of maintaining these owls stems from a farmer who was angry because his village often experienced crop failure due to pests only attack the rice field rat . Not only attacked rice , corn crops was damaged rat attacked . It used to be almost every year 60 % -100 % of corn crop area damaged rat attacked . The idea of this owl finally menangkarkan sweet fruit , for more than 2 years cultivating the owl , agricultural village residents Tlogoweru increasing. Agricultural output is close to 100 % and boost the economy this automatically citizens . And to this day there are hundreds of owls scattered in various villages in Demak . Breeding bird population of this village is a group of owls Tyto Alba manifold . This captive owl kept small. If the owl has reached the age of 4 months and have advanced to hunt rats , free from captivity and then released . To remain in the area of agriculture , farmers make cage -free / pagupon are placed in each corner of the farm area . Pagupon usually placed in rice or maize farming is often attacked rat . To be protected owl , the village Tlogoweru make regulations prohibiting shooting birds , anyone who violates this rule will be fined up to 2.5 million dollars .