With an average growth rate of 5% over the past two decades and a growing middle class that has strong buying power, it could be said that Indonesia is one of the biggest players in the world economy. In terms of GDP, Indonesia currently is in a position to eighth (PPP) over the United Kingdom and France while the IMF estimated that Indonesia will become the fifth largest economy in the world in 2030 after China, the United States, India, and Japan. Investment in manufacturing, health care, recreation, hotels, and catering has the promise of higher returns has attracted the attention of investors and businesses.
So far, the only multinational companies who are able to feel the benefits of the phenomenal economic growth in Indonesia while business-small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are aware of their opportunities to engage in economic growth Indonesian. On the basis of this is a networking of Netherlands, Indo Business Club, hosts Indonesia Business Desk, which is held on September 22, 2016 and then at the World Wings Hotel, Rotterdam.
Indonesia Business Desk
Supported by the Embassy of Indonesia in the Hague, the theme of the event, titled "Rediscover Indonesia" aims to unveil a variety of business opportunities for SMEs in the Netherlands market Indonesia. Around 90 participants, comprising of entrepreneurs in the Netherlands, following the seminar. Panel of speakers involved include: the head of the capital investment Coordination Board Representative (BKPM) in London, Mr. Nurul Ichwan, Ambassador to the Netherlands, Mr. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, as well as representatives from aid agency entrepreneur Netherlands (RVO) Frans Kortekaas were also representatives from the Netherlands Foreign Ministry Marc Hauwert. In addition, two Netherlands company Zest, Purchasing (IJsselstein) and BMA BV (Houten), appear to share their business experience in Indonesia to the participants of the seminar.
In his presentation, Mr. Nurul Ichwan from BKPM specifically stressed the importance of Indonesia middle-class consumers make SME Netherlands. "The market is growing because Indonesia grew its middle class. Between 2012 and 2020, it is expected this growth will reach 174% worldwide and 110% in the whole of Asia. It is this middle class market you guys, "he said.
Indonesia Business Desk
No need denying again that Indonesia and the Netherlands could be mutually beneficial to each other, and this relationship will continue to increase in the future. As was Mr. Ambassador Puja in his speech, several collaborations between the two countries, for example between the Ministry of cooperatives and SMEs with Programma Uitzending Managers (PUM), a SME consulting services in the Netherlands, also with a visit Presidential Minister Mark Rutte planned to Indonesia in November indicates the proximity of the economic relations of the two countries.
Of course, the Yanks became the main reason economic opportunities for entrepreneurs Netherlands to reap their business in Indonesia. However, this is not the only reason. Due to a long history between Indonesia and the Netherlands, most citizens of the Netherlands had connections with Indonesia to make its business more personal.
Indonesia Business Desk
Indo Business Club along with Ambassador RI Mr. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja
Alex l. j. Holsbergen, CEO of BMA BV, for example, claimed that the reason for expanding its business in Indonesia because Indonesia bloody background. "I have the urge to return to Indonesia because I want to do something meaningful in there." His company specializes in health care in the field of IT to help develop medical services in Indonesia.
Personal relationships with Indonesia also became a major force behind the Indonesia Business Desk. "A lot of us come from both worlds," says Wouter Cosaert from Indo Business Club. "That is why we want to participate in this development. We want to contribute to the development in Indonesia. "